Program and presentations, outputs from the CEE workshop organized by NSC-FoE Hungary, CAN Europe in the framework of the EUKI project.
Workshop program - downloadable pdf.
1 June 2022 - venue: Hotel Benczúr, Budapest, Hungary
9:30-13:00 Morning session
Welcome, introduction of the topic and agenda – Alexa Botár, MTVSZ - National Society of Conservationists, Friends of the Earth Hungary
Tour de table
The role of community energy in the “Fit for 55” package – Seda Orhan, Climate Action Network Europe
Empowering communities - SHAREs to provide a Gateway to equip local heroes – Bence Kovács, MTVSZ
Community energy in EU and the CEE region – Josh Roberts, REScoop.EU
Status of community energy in CEE countries - short country presentations:
CZ, SK, BG, RO, PL, HU in summary pdf
Reflection on each other: Finding synergies among countries
12:30-13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30-17:00 Afternoon sessions
13:30-14:45 Legal issues
Plenary presentations:
1. Transposition process – status and challenges – Ágnes Gajdics, EMLA, Hungary
2. Legal forms of energy communities: what works and what not – Bence Kovács, MTVSZ, Hungary
3. Activities of energy communities: what is possible and/or feasible – David Blažek, Frank Bold Society, CZ
Working groups along the above topics to develop recommendations:
Final CEE community energy recommendations
Short feedback from the groups
(14:45-15:15 Break)
15:15-16:30 Economic aspects:
Plenary presentations:
1. Finance – Adrian Munteanu, Cooperativa de Energie, Romania
2. Business models, ownership – Josip Beber, ZEZ, Croatia
Working groups along the above topics to develop recommendations
Short feedback from the groups
16:30-17:00 Conclusions
Closure by CAN and MTVSZ
2 June 2022
Morning: visit to a new community energy project in Budapest: a rooftop PV system on a community house installed and being operated by a new energy community co-funded by MTVSZ.